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Not Ashamed of the Gospel - Part 3

Jan 15, 2023    Paster Steve

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of January 9th

Q: Do you read the Bible with some reservations or with in submission?

FIRST READ: Romans 1:26-32

Q: Why does Paul spend so much time in his letters warning against sexual sin? Is sexual sin worse than other sins? If so, in what way?

Q: Why was it such a terrible penelty when God gave them over to "degrading passions?” (v. 24)

Q: What does Paul mean when he writes that their bodies may be “dishonored among them?” (v, 24)

Q: How is it that they “exchanged the truth of God for a lie?” (v. 25) In what way did they worship “and serve the creature rather than the Creator?” (v. 25)

Q: What kind of passions are “degrading?” (v. 16)

Q: Which passions are “natural” and which are “unnatural?” Why does God command that we follow our created nature? (v. 26)