Not Ashamed of the Gospel - Part 23
Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of June 26th
Q: Is the imagery of God as Father helpful to you in your walk with God? In what ways did your earthly father exemplify your Heavenly Father?
FIRST READ: Romans 8:12-17
Q: Discuss as a group: The Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are all represented in our brief passage. What role does each play in our in our walk with God?
Q: Verse 12, indicates that we are no longer captive to the flesh. In what ways can a Christian become captive (obligated) to our flesh?
Q: If sin is still calling all the shots in a person’s life, sin will lead to death. (Romans 6:23) Verse 13 explains the way we escape death and enjoy life. How can we “put to death” the deeds of the flesh? (vs. 13)
Q: Is it possible for a believer to be saved, but not filled with the Spirit? How can we know we are “children of God?” (Vs. 14)
Q: When God adopted you as His children, what did you receive? (Vs. 15) What does it mean to call God “Abba?” Are you experiencing the kind of intimacy implied by this title? How can we cultivate this kind of intimate relationship with our Father?