Do Real Christians Suffer?
Sermon Meditation for Sunday, October 13th
READ: II Thessalonians 1:1-6
I give a cheer when winning quarterbacks give “all the glory to God.” I’m encouraged by the testimonies of Christians who experience great success in worldly endeavors; by the one’s who invested their way into riches, or trained their way into athletic success, or the one’s who studied their way into academic fame. In all things, we do our work “heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” (Colossians 3:23, 24)
I lift up a hallelujah (and some tears) when the persecuted Christians of this world refuse to deny Christ at the cost of their blood. I’m encouraged by those who plant house churches in hostile nations. And by those who invest their lives in the gospel at the expense of all earthly wealth. The Bible comments that these are people “of whom the world (is) not worthy.” (Hebrews 11:38)
The reports of persecution seem alien to our American Christian experience. We normally expect that following Christ will lead to greater happiness, security, and financial blessing. But the reality is this - there are those who lose everything to follow Jesus Christ. This, too, is to the great glory of God.
The most important questions to answer are these two; Do sincere, faith-filled Christian suffer or is there a problem with their faith? And, Is God really good and can He be trusted? The new Christians in Thessalonica suffered greatly for their Lord. They were also commended for their great faith and increasing love in the midst of persecution. (II Thessalonians 1:3)
Those who do not suffer much, do not love much. We are connected by our sufferings, and connected to Christ through His. And this brings God the greatest glory.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Steve
Home Fellowship Discussion Guide
Week of October 14th
Q: What did your parents do right in raising you? What rewards and punishments worked best?
READ FIRST: II Thessalonians 1:1-6
Q: What has happened since Paul wrote I Thessalonians (v. 4)? How has persecution affected this church?
a special way or relationship?Q: How will you exercise faith or love this week in
Q: Why is God waiting to punish these persecutors?
Q: Who is on trial here? Who is on the witness stand? In the judges chamber?
Q: What is the evidence that they are “worthy” of God’s kingdom
(v. 5)?