Gathered Together
Home Fellowship Discussion Guide
Week of October 28th
Q: At what stage in life were you “rebellious?” What memory (painful or humorous) is associated with those times of conflict?
READ FIRST: II Thessalonians 2:1-12
Q: What must have been happening in Thessalonica to lead Paul to write this?
Q: How much time was Paul able to spend with the Thessalonians (see Acts 17:2)? How would this affect their willingness to believe rumors about Christ’s return (v. 2)?
Q: Whom do you think is the restrainer of the Lawless One (vv. 6, 7)? How do you think this “restraining order” is enforced?
Q: What is God’s ultimate purpose in allowing the “man of lawlessness” to deceive people? What signs mark his appearing?
Q: How does this passage on Christ’s second coming, and what will precede it, make you feel? Afraid? Relieved? Rather not think about it?