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Counted Worthy of His Calling

Oct 20, 2019    Sermon Meditation - Home Fellowship Discussion Guide

Sermon Meditation

Wide Awake and Ready, Part II
READ FIRST: II Thessalonians 1:6-12

At the conclusion of an “epic” passage, including persecution and eternal judgement for those persecutors, comes a powerful prayer. This prayer is two-fold, and includes instructions for how we are to live on this war-torn planet.

As we await the arrival of “His mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance,” Paul prays that we will have the strength to live “worthy of (Jesus) calling.” As selfish people consume one another all around us, we must abide in Christ so that we might display Christ’s sacrificial love for people.

The second request Paul brings is that God might “give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do.” While persecution is blazing all around us, Paul prays that we might have the power to produce good works “so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him.”

Jesus will take care of those who persecute us. Our focus is to be set on living lives worthy of the gospel, and producing the good works that were ordered for us “before the foundation of the world.”

See you Sunday!
Pastor Steve
Another great passage to discuss at your Home Fellowship this week!

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide
Week of October 20th

Q: If you had the power to recreate yourself, what things would you not change about yourself?

READ FIRST: II Thessalonians 1:6-12
Q: How does God “give you rest” in the midst of troubled times? (v. 7)

Q: Take a quiet moment and imagine the scene described in verse 7. What observations do you have about this event? What emotions does this raise in you?

Q: How does the truth in verse 8 make you feel? What do you plan to do about it?

Q: What would it look like for a person to live a life “worthy of His calling?” (v. 11)

Q: READ: Ephesians 2:10 - What “good works” has the Lord called you to do? How will you access “His power” to accomplish His good purposes? (v. 11)