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Wide Awake and Ready!

Nov 10, 2019    Pastor Luke Dailey    Home Fellowship Discussion Guide

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide
Week of November 10th

Q: What is one prayer you were taught to memorize?

Q: What was your first job? How long or how hard did you work at it? How did you spend the money?
READ FIRST: II Thessalonians 3

Q: How might a misunderstanding of Paul’s earlier teaching (I Th. 5:1-3) have led to the problem of idleness?

Q: Paul has twice prayed for these people (1:11-12); 2:16-27). How does he want them to pray for him and his companions? How would the encouragements in verses 3-5 help them in their trials?

Q: Why does Paul call attention to his handwriting (v. 17)? How else is the close of this letter similar to its beginning? Why does Paul emphasize “grace and peace?” What does this say about God’s will?

Pray for one another!