Wide Awake and Ready - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Wide Awake and Ready
I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Battle Strategy for Life on a War-torn Planet
No commander worth his salt would send troops into battle without adequate training, equipment, and a winning strategy. Citizens of the Kingdom of God are provided with all three. The goal of these strategies is nothing less than to please God and bring Him great glory. In the Bible, these strategies are also known as “doing God’s will.”
In I Thessalonians 5:16-18, we are given a three-pronged strategy for success in daily living; “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances.” This strategy is exactly the opposite of the world’s battle plan which is; grab for the pleasures of the flesh, attempt be self-sufficient, and complain about everything. A simple adjustment of our attitudes and words will invite the daily victory of Jesus.
Where once was darkness and despair, this three pronged strategy will bring light and hope. Join us this Sunday as we learn to walk in victory!
Pastor Steve
Growth Group Discussion Guide
Week of August 26th
Q: When have you felt the most gratitude toward God?
Q: Do you “give thanks” to God in public, such as praying before a meal? Why or why not?
READ FIRST: I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Q: Is “giving thanks” an act of the will or the emotions? Does it seem insincere to speak words of thanksgiving when you don’t feel grateful in your heart?
Q: In spite of all the harsh circumstances life throws at a Christian, what are some things for which we can always praise God?
Q: What does this verse mean by "For this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus?”Does this command seem impossible to obey at times? Why is giving thanks important to God? Why is this important for us?