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Never Stop Praying - Big Faith, Small God or Small Faith, Big God

Aug 18, 2019    Pastor Steve Pope    Sermon Meditation

I Thessalonians 5:17
“Never Stop Praying!”

Big Faith, Small God or Small Faith, Big God?

Many false teachers today have the same message - If your faith is big enough, God will always heal you and make you prosper. As if God has no plan of His own. He is compelled to give those with big faith anything their heart desires. This “big faith” theology equals a very small, insignificant God.

Others, however, who hold to the perfect authority of God’s word, hear Jesus’ say that all we need is a tiny, mustard seed of faith. If we posses mustard-seed faith, we will see God enact His will. True faith, by Christ’s definition, always involves the surrender of our will to His Sovereign plan. And a big God has the power to do anything He chooses. (Matthew 17:20) This “Big God” theology only requires faith to believe that Jesus is the Christ and that He acts according to His Sovereign will. His will is always “good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:1)

So, when a teacher tells you to work your faith into a really big frenzy, tell Him your God is bigger than his faith. And God can always be trusted.

Praying for you,
Pastor Steve