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The King is Coming! Part 3

Jul 28, 2019    Pastor Steve Pope    Sermon Meditation and Growth Group Resources

Growth Group Discussion Guide
Week of July 28th
Q: What’s the nicest surprise you’ve ever received?When you were sound asleep, what’s the rudest awakening you’ve ever received?

Q: Does any aspect of the Lord’s return make you nervous or afraid? If so, why?

READ FIRST: I Thessalonians 5:1-11

Q: What does the phrase “God did not appoint us to wrath” mean in this context? Do you have any struggles thinking about God as possessing wrath as well as love? How does He rescue us from His wrath? (v. 9)

Q: How does the message of the Lord’s return serve as an encouragement? (v. 11) How does this message “build us up?”

Q: What risk do we run if we ignore the teaching of the Day of the Lord? Where do you hear the message of “peace and security?” How can we resist false teaching that rejects the warning of Christ’s return and coming judgment?

Sermon Meditation for Sunday, July 28th
The King is Coming! Part 3
I Thessalonians 5:1-11

Joyce and I had a wonderful time last weekend in Huston, Texas! We shared the great joy of celebrating the wedding of a beloved Centerpoint son. The wedding took place in a neighborhood that had been inundated with water during Hurricane Harvey. Most homes had suffered damage inflicted by several inches of standing water.

Harvey was responsible for at least 107 deaths. Total damage from the hurricane was estimated at $125 billion. This hurricane was among the costliest natural disasters in our nation’s history. It’s definitely a good idea to have an evacuation plan and to be prepared for natural disasters.

No matter where you live in the USA, disaster preparedness should be a high priority. Floods, fires, freezes, tornados, earthquakes, and even volcanos are always a possibility. Batteries, fresh water, food, and medical supplies might be needed in case of a disaster. In some cases, there is no forewarning for the moment of crisis, so preparations need to be made in times of peace and safety.

So, how should we prepare for the events surrounding the return of Christ? None of us will have any forewarning of His return. So we prepare now and await the Day of the Lord with joyful anticipation.

Join us this Sunday as we prepare together for the Day of the Lord!

Are you ready for what comes next?

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Steve