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How to Live Like a King's Kid - Part Two

Aug 11, 2019    Pastor Steve Pope

The oldest book in the Bible tells the story of the suffering of a righteous man. In a matter of a few days, Job suffered the loss of his all his wealth, his servants, his seven sons and three daughters, and his health. The only thing left to him was the breath in his lungs and the affliction of three insensitive, know-it-all “friends.”

We live in tragic and sorrow-filled days. Mass shootings have become increasingly more common in our nation. According to the LA Times, in order for an act of violence to be classified as a “mass shooting,” at least 4 individuals must lose their lives. By this standard, since the beginning of 2019, there have been 4 mass shootings, for a total of 48 lives lost. Unimaginable suffering and chaos has resulted from these senseless, wicked acts.

For a follower of Jesus Christ, the most impactful response to this news is to cry out to God and “weep with those who weep.” We cry out for His comfort on those who have suffered great loss. And we fervently pray for the rapid spread of the gospel, revival in His church, and the healing of the soul of our nation.

There is only One ultimate answer to our national sorrow. In Job 9:32, we read the ancient cry of a broken heart, “If only there were a mediator between us, someone who could bring us together.” Job longed to have an advocate in the Heavenly courtroom. He was fully aware that he could not find favor with God by the strength of his own virtue. (Job 9:32-35, NLT)

Six centuries later, the answer to Job’s heart-cry would be realized in the coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to “set the captives free” and “bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted.” He fully accomplished His mission, and He is now the “one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity.” (I Tim. 2:5)

With Jesus as our mediator, we can bring our requests before the Father with full confidence. And He commands that we pray for all people, especially for “Kings and all who are in authority.”

And we pray, “Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, forgive our sins and heal our land.”

Fight the good fight,
Pastor Steve