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The King is Coming! Part 2

Jul 14, 2019    Pastor Steve Pope    Growth Group Resources and Sermon Meditation

Growth Group Discussion Guide
Week of July 14th

Q: Are you ready for the next disaster? What preparations have you made? Emergency water? Food? Keeping your gas tank full?

READ FIRST: I Thessalonians 4:13-18

Q: Does our passage encourage you, confuse you, or worry you?

Q: Who do you most look forward to meeting at the resurrection of the dead?

Q: In what areas would you like to be better prepared for Jesus’ return? If you knew the trumpet would blow in the next few hours, is there any task that would feel undone?

Q: Are there any areas of confusion remaining concerning Christ’s return? If so, tell your Growth Group leader to write your questions and pass them on to me for inclusion this series!

Pray together for lost friends and family members!

Sermon Meditation for Sunday, July 14th
The King is Coming! Part 2
I Thessalonians 4:13-17

“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time for my departure is close.”

I greatly enjoy a good cup of hot coffee in the morning. I have many “coffee snobs” for friends who hang around trendy coffee shops with names like “No Doze Cafe” and “Impresso Espresso,” or my daughter’s favorite, “Auggies Cafe.”

At the risk of loosing the respect of the coffee aficionados among us, I confess to a love for a steaming hot cup of church coffee, brewed in a 50 cup tin pot. The marketing motto of Maxwell House fits best, because church coffee is “good to the last drop!”

This marketing phrase has a long history behind it. According to ancient coffee lore, when President Roosevelt visited Andrew Jackson in 1907, he was served Maxwell House Coffee. He reportedly said that it was “Good to the last drop.” Only Roosevelt and Jackson know if this is true, and they’re not telling.

The Apostle Paul, toward the end of his days on earth, testified that his life had been poured out like a “drink offering.”* With the return of Christ so near, this should be our growing passion - to pour out our lives in serving Christ.

As Jesus is with us to the end of this life, our prayer must be that we will have the courage to keep sharing His love, ministry and gospel on this earth. And, as we plan to pour out our lives to the very end, may our offering be “good to the last drop.”

See you there or in the air!
Pastor Steve

*II Timothy 4:6