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We are Better Together

Sep 8, 2019    Pastor Steve Pope    Sermon Meditation and Home Fellowship Resources

Sermon Meditation for Sunday September 8th

Nemo resideo; this Latin phrase means “no one left behind.” This has been the promise of the American military since the inception of our nation. Every service member has value, and none are left to the brutality of their captors. The elite U.S. Army Rangers have this as part of their creed: "I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy."

In the New Testament, there are no examples of Christianity apart from the local church — no “lone wolf” Christ-followers. No one “worships alone in nature,” expresses privatized “spirituality,” or meditates their way into Heaven. All who are born again are baptized into the local body, and everyone has a special assignment for service. If one is missing, all will suffer the loss.

Most churches are limping along with non-functioning body parts or with parts who are AWOL. All parts are indispensable to the Head, Jesus Christ, who holds us all together.

We are needed and we need each other. Our body might cross the finish line broken and dragging itself by the lips. Or we can commit together, stand together, serve the body, and sprint across the finish line together in victory.

Nemo resideo could be the goal of Jesus’ church. He left the 99 to seek the one who had wandered. No one left behind, and no part of the body left inactive.

Hope to see you this Sunday - nemo resideo,
Pastor Steve Read the passage, think through the questions, and jump right in!

Pastor Steve

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide
Week of September 8th

Q: What is one skill you secretly posses?

Q: What is the most effective team you’ve ever belonged to; sports team, project team, ministry team, etc.?

READ FIRST: I Corinthians 12:12-20

Q: Describe yourself as “part” of the body of Christ (eye, foot, hand, etc.). Why did you select that part?

Q: How connected are you to your church body? What could you do to help the body function better?

Q: How do you (or could you) use your gifts and abilities within the church? What holds you back from using your gifts more fully?

Q: How do these verses make you feel about your place in the body of Christ? About your need for others?