Love Like Jesus
Love like Jesus!
READ: I John 4:7-12
“The truth is out there.” This phrase drove the work of FBI Special agent Fox Mulder, who spent his career searching for illusive answers to the mysteries of the universe. This hit series was focused on the existence of extra-terrestrial life forms, and “out there” referred to outer space. The show was a chronicle of abductions by beings with malicious intent for mankind. A scary and depressing scenario, but absolutely not “the truth.”
The truth is not a concept, but a person. In John 14:6, Jesus referred to Himself as “The Truth.” The Truth is not “out there” somewhere. Love has come to earth in flesh to save us. We humans often invest in a cold, endless search for knowledge, but we can trust that God came to earth and dwelt among us. “We have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and Truth!” (John 1:14) Now we can experience God’s love by knowing the Truth Himself! We could never search Him out through human reasoning - He had to come and get us.
The poster on Fox Mulder’s office wall read “I want to believe.” We can know the Truth: all we need to do is trust that Jesus is Lord, and believe that God raised Him from the dead. Truth came to us to redeem us, and all we have to do is put our full trust in Him. If you to decide to respond to His call, you will know the love of God, more and more each day.
Because He first loved us,
Pastor Steve
Home Fellowship Discussion Guide
Week of September 29th
Q: What personality trait or strength did you get from your father? Your mother?
READ FIRST: I John 4:7-12
Q: How has God demonstrated that He is love (v. 8)?
Q: What is the connection between God’s love for us and the love we are to have for others?
Q: Who gets the credit for the love we experience (v. 10)? And the love we show?
Q: Verse 12 implies that we are to make Christ’s love “visible” on earth. How can love be revealed through our lives, decisions, and actions?
Q: What do we learn about folks with chronic shortage of love (v. 8)? What does love “look like?”
Q: How do you want to love sacrificially this week: At home? At work? In a difficult relationship?