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We are Being Changed by the Gospel

Sep 15, 2019    Pastor Steve Pope    Sermon Meditation and Home Fellowship Resources

Transformed to Serve and Love Like Jesus!
Ephesians 3:17 & 4:12-16

I have some wonderfully comfortable furniture in my office that is being used to the glory of God (and for the occasional nap). It was purchased from a company that “stages” houses for sale. These companies come into an empty house, then decorate and furnish for greatest sales appeal. Plastic fruit, unused beds, beautiful but impersonal art and spotless kitchens with empty fridges. Attractive, but not really a home. Only an empty shell.

Church attenders may strive to look good on the outside, guarding appearances and concealing flaws - really just an empty shell. But when the gospel is received and Jesus moves in, renovations begin immediately.* God intends to make our hearts His home. Lived in, full of love and laughter and fully renovated. A perfect place to welcome the loving Presence of God.

When Christ makes our heart His home, we are irresistibly transformed. And we are transformed to serve and love like Jesus.

Hope to see you Sunday!
Pastor Steve

*Ephesians 3:17
Hi church family,

All our Home Fellowships will restart this week! Here is the Home Fellowship Discussion Guide. The discussions in our Home Fellowships always focus on application and discussion of the passage we study the previous Sunday morning. And there will always be time for friendship and prayer!

Please consider attending one of our Home Fellowships - You’ll be glad you did!

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide
Week of September 16th

Q: What is your favorite team sport?

Q: Have you ever known someone who had attained “mature manhood?” (v. 13)

READ FIRST: Ephesians 4:11-16

Q: What is God’s purpose in giving gifts to His people? Why is it important that each part of the body does its work?

Q: What does it mean to “speak the truth in love?” How is this different from just speaking the truth?

Q: According to this passage, what’s the problem with trying to live the Christian life apart from the church? In what ways do you need others?

Q: On a scale of 1 (separate) to 10 (together), how unified is Centerpoint Church? How are you doing at fulfilling your call to “keep the unity of the Spirit though the bond of peace?” (v. 3)