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October 22, 2017 - The Five Solas - Part 4

Oct 22, 2017    Pastor Luke Dailey    Colossians 1:15-21

The Five Solas (Study Guide and Home Fellowship Questions
Part 4: Sola Christus

Colossians 1:15-21

I have a friend who is fond of saying that “every man lives in silent terror of being found out as the fraud he really is.” But, is this such a bad thing?

The first step down the road to personal intimacy with Jesus must be taken in humility - admitting our inadequacy and declaring His sole-sufficiency (II Cor. 3:5). For the true Christian, each day of life strengthens the conviction that apart from Him, we can do nothing that matters. (John 15:5)

But the good news is that Jesus Christ is fully adequate to accomplish all good things according to His will. His desire is to know us and give our lives purpose - His purpose.

Sola Christus means that Jesus alone is sufficient for salvation and that His is the power we need for living; “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:13)

Jesus had a discussion about salvation with a rich young man who had placed his trust in money. The astounded disciples, who had sacrificed much to follow Jesus, asked how this man could possibly be saved. But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26) We now live in the realm of God’s possibilities in the midst of our frailty.

Living in the power of His Spirit,
Pastor Steve

Q: What was your favorite animal at the zoo as a child? Your favorite now?

Q: In your opinion, what part of Jesus’ creation brings Him the most glory?

READ FIRST: Colossians 1:15-21

Q: The “firstborn” has the rights of an heir. What rights does Jesus have (vv. 15-18)? What is His relationship to “all things”? Why emphasize this?

Q: What is His relationship to God and the church? What does “fullness” imply (v. 19)?

Q: Why did all things need to be reconciled to God (v. 20)? How was this achieved by Jesus?

Q: How much do you identify with verse 21, even now? Do you still sense “evil” in your mind? How do verses 22-23 make you feel?

Q: At times, what people or forces seem to be more powerful than Jesus? Why? How do you respond to the fact that even these are under Christ’s authority?