Church Membership Pledge Day
Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of August 15th, 2022
Q: On most days, how much peace do you experience? Is it man’s unsettled peace? Or the peace the world offers? Or the incomprehensible peace of Christ?
FIRST READ: Ephesians 2:14-22
Q: How did Jesus “tear down the dividing wall” to create His church? (v. 14, 15)
Q: How did Jesus deal with the law and its regulations? (v. 15) What is the “so that” of verse 15? What was Jesus’ purpose in making the law of “no effect?” What did this accomplish?
Q: What does it mean that Jesus created “one new man from the two?” What is this “one new man” “like? Describe him in your own words.
Q: How did Jesus reconcile both to God? What did He do to create peace with God and peace in His church? (v. 16)
Q: Explain why some were “far off” and some were “near.” (v. 17) What is the “good news” that Jesus proclaimed?
Q: We are strangers and aliens on earth, so to which “country” do we belong? Who are our people?
Q: When the church is assembled around God’s word, what does God “build?” Why are we being “built together?” (v. 20-22)