Sola Scriptura/Scripture Alone
Sermon Meditation:
The Five “Solas” of the Reformation
Part 1
Sola Scriptura/Scripture Alone
Psalm 1:1-6
". . . his delight is in the Lord’s instruction,
and he meditates on it day and night.
He is like a tree planted beside streams of water. . ."
Interesting fact: In our country 9 out of 10 households own at least one Bible, and on average each household has 4.7 Bibles. Sadly, many of those households that own numerous amounts of Bibles, the Bible is rarely read. In a land that has so many Bibles laying around, and in a land with established Christian book stores, there are many translations of the Bible openly and freely available to us. Are we capitalizing on the blessing we have in our country?
Whether or not we are utilizing the freedom to practice Christianity and the study of God's Word, the truth remains that we have cultural blindness to how blessed we are. Many faithful men, women and children have died for holding onto Scripture. Today there are many places in the world that the Bible is illegal. Thank you, Jesus for allowing us to live in a place with freedom to own a Bible and practice Christianity!
For most of us, we would never think about attending or even visiting a church that didn't focus around the Word of God. Our church, Centerpoint, is a Bible based, Word of God church. We focus our time not on clever ideas or humorous insights. We focus on the truth found in Scripture.
The way in which we focus and depend on the Bible in our gatherings was missing from the organized "church service" for hundreds of years. However, through the faith and actions of courageous men of God, the church (the people) reformed the way in which "church service" was conducted. One of these faithful, courageous men was Martin Luther. Luther had a theological concept known as The Five Solas. This Sunday we will study Scripture and some church history to understand the importance and blessing of the first sola - Sola Scriptura.
Luke Dailey