All Will Know
Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of November 7th
Q: Have you ever been given an assignment for which you had inadequate direction? Had an item to assemble without clear instructions?
FIRST READ: Revelation 5:1-9; Romans 2:1-16
Q: According to Romans 2:3-4, what is it that leads people to repentance?
Q: God created everyone in the “image of God.” (Genesis 1:26-27) What law do the gentiles follow? (READ: Romans 2:14-15) Where is the “work of the law” written for the gentiles?
Q: In a gentile’s heart, what is it that bears witness to the law? (Romans 2:15) And, according to the gospel, what will God judge through Jesus Christ? (Rom. 2:16)
Q: In Romans 1:19-20, why does Paul say that everyone is “without excuse?” Where does the standard for morality come from?
Q: Hebrews 11 speaks of the Old Testament saints who were saved by faith never having heard the gospel. Without hearing about Jesus, how were they saved?
Q: READ: Romans 10:13-17. According to this passage, what should be the passion upon the hearts of believers?
Q: Finish by reading John 14:6.