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Easter Sunday 2023

Apr 9, 2023    Pastor Steve Pope

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide, Week of April 10th

Q: What’s the best news you’ve received lately?

FIRST READ: I Corinthians 15:1-8

Q: How does a person “receive” the gospel? (v. 1) What does Paul mean, “on which you have taken your stand?”

Q: In verse two, why does Paul say, “by which you are being saved,” rather than “by which you have been saved?”

Q: What is the most important message in the world? (v. 3) How would you answer if someone asked you what the most important message in the world is?

Q: What are the three events in this message? (3, 4) Hard question: what are the two evidences for the truth of this message? (v. 3-5)

Q: What is provided for us in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection? Why are all three necessary in any explanation of the gospel?