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October 29, 2017 - The Five Solas - Part 5

Oct 29, 2017    Pastor Steve Pope    Sermon Meditation and Home Fellowship Discussion Guide Below

The Five Solas, Part 5
Sola Deo Gloria

READ: Isaiah 6:1-8

I’ll never forget the discussion around the dinner table when my daughters finally decided what I do for a living. You see, some of their friend’s Dads were dynamic in business, some built houses for families to enjoy, and some heroically enforced the law. From their own experience, they decided that my job description was simple; “you make words for a living.”

In thirty years of full-time vocational ministry, I’ve have been honored to preach around 1,500 sermons, and to lead nearly as many Bible Studies. I am rarely at a loss for words. This week’s “Sola,” however, is too big for me. I can’t describe it, I can’t fully explain it, and I’m even having trouble defining it. But its the “Sola” I love the most. Sola Deo Gloria; The Glory of God Alone. I make words, but glory is a word that’s just too big to adequately explain. Glory is as big as God.

So I’ll begin with the most powerfully accurate definition that I’ve found, authored by Dr. John Piper. Dr. Piper says that “The glory of God is the infinite beauty and greatness of God’s manifold perfections. It is the going public of His holiness.” His glory is the way He puts His holiness on display for all to see. That’s why our passage closely connects God’s holiness and glory.

Is your heart drawn to great beauty? Does beauty lodge in your mind’s eye and call your attention back to itself over and over again? A beautiful child? A colorful sunset? A moving piece of music? A dramatic photograph? Now compare that to Jesus, who has the most beautiful Name of all. And that’s His glory.

If it is God’s desire to display His glory, then we need to dedicate our lives to learning how best to declare and magnify His glory. And the most important question we ask ourselves every day should be “does this decision, action, or attitude magnify the glory of God to the nations?” (Psalm 96:3) Does it put His beauty on display for all to see?

Join us this Sunday as we learn about God’s passion for His own glory.

Speechless in the face of His glory,
Pastor Steve

Home Fellowship, Week of October 30th

Q: When were you last called into the office of your chief principal or boss’s boss? What for? How did that affect you?

Q: What volunteer ministries have you been involved with? How were you recruited?

READ FIRST: Isaiah 6:1-8

Q: If King Uzziah represents stability to Judah, what does his death mean? Why does God chose this time to reveal Himself to Isaiah?

Q: Imagine you are Isaiah. What do you tell a friend about what you saw, heard, felt and smelled in verses 1-4?

Q: What questions about God’s nature and purpose does this encounter raise for you?

Q: What makes Isaiah despair for his life and confess his sin (v. 5; see Ex. 20:19; 33:20)?

Q: Animals were burned on the altar as a substitute for the death of a sinner. What is the significance of Isaiah’s lips being touched by a coal from the altar?

Q: How is your experience like Isaiah’s? Awe-struck? Guilt-ridden? Cleansed? Are you willing to serve anywhere anytime?